Is your dog older? Does he or she suffer from arthritis or have joint pain? If you answered yes to either one of these questions, you should invest in an orthopedic dog bed. An orthopedic dog bed is also a good idea for a dog with hip dysplasia or a thinner dog with less fat to cushion his bones.

orthopedic dog bedA good orthopedic dog bed should consist of memory foam which conforms to the dog’s body, and supports aching joints and back. It is important that the foam is high-quality, high-density and distributes weight evenly. It should not flatten under your dog’s weight. An orthopedic dog bed can be up to 7 inches thick. It needs to have a removable, washable cover which should also be waterproof if your dog has issues with incontinence.

The size of your orthopedic dog bed will depend on the size of your dog. Most size charts depend only on the dog’s weight, but your dog’s length and height are important, too. Measure your dog’s length from the end of his or her nose to the base of the tail. Measure the height from the top of his or her head to the ground when standing. Then shop for a dog bed that is at least those dimensions or larger.

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